Our Story

The idea of Viva Health was started at the beginning of the Pandemic in 2020, with no more than a passion and determination to make sure the people of Dona Ana had the provisions and resources needed to survive a scenario no one has ever encountered before. More specifically coordinating with local food banks and State Legislators to assure families had enough food and COVID tests to make it through this scary and difficult time.

We were fortunate as a community to make it through the pandemic it was a time filled of uncertainty, anxiety and fear. So much so that Health and Mental Health Issues across the board started to sky rocket, depression, domestic violence, obesity, diabetes, anxiety and regression of learning in adolescents.

By 2021 we knew we wanted to help offset these issues and knew Dona Ana needed these services and that is where we met Jose Valdivia-FNP who had been really contemplating taking the leap into NM to provide healthcare. So with a very apparent need for Medical and Mental Health services in conjunction with resounding support of individuals within the community, Viva Health was officially formed.

Our Competitive Advantages

Willingness to go above and beyond to coordinate and assure care.
Quality, Time & excellence dedicated to each patient.
Wide open availability.
Extensive knowledge on all age groups.
Wide range of specialty referral system that spans Dona Ana & El Paso.